
Was There a Christmas Truce in World War 2?

World War II Christmas Truce
Via Pixabay

In the midst of the First World War, enemies actually laid down their arms on Christmas night to share in a moment of holiday peace. This Christmas Truce of 1914 was an incredible moment of compassion.

Some ask if the same truce happened during the Second World War. Unfortunately, history did not exactly repeat itself. However, a World War II Christmas truce of sorts did happen in a secluded cabin.

Three American soldiers found themselves lost in a snow-covered German forest on Christmas Eve. One was severely wounded and all three were desperate. Instead of finding their way back to their post, they found a small hunting cabin.

A German woman and her 12-year-old son were staying in the cabin after being bombed out of their home. The mother, Elisabeth Vincken, saw the Americans in need and welcomed them in giving them food and comfort.

The situation almost took a much less heart-warming turn when German soldiers, also in need of food and lodging, came knocking at the door. But Elizabeth was not going to allow more bloodshed. She insisted that both Americans and Germans leave their weapons outside the cabin saying: “Es ist Heiligabend und hier wird nicht geschossen.” This translates to: “It is the Holy Night and there will be no shooting here.

Because of the actions of this woman, these enemy soldiers dined together that evening almost as though they were friends. They all lodged for the night and parted peacefully in the morning. While the brutal conflict continued, all those involved in this small World War II Christmas truce walked away with a lesson in compassion. Read more about this incredible story here.

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