Hero musician

Hero Highlight: WW II Hero Turned Famous Jazz Musician

Tony Bennett

It’s been almost a year since the world lost the talented and charismatic Tony Bennett. While he is often remembered for his career as a musician, some may not know that he was also a World War Two hero. In fact, he was a hero in more ways than one.

Tony Bennett Fought Through Hell and Liberated a Concentration Camp

At 18 years old, Tony Bennett completed basic training and was sent to Le Havre, France, as a replacement troop for units that suffered heavy casualties fighting the Germans in Europe during the Battle of the Bulge. He served with G Company, 7th Army, 63rd Infantry Division. He described his time during the war as “a nightmare that’s permanent.” and a “front-row seat to hell.” He went on to liberate the Kaufering concentration camp in one of his last missions.

Not only a WW II Hero, Bennett Also Stood Against Segregation

Clearly, Bennett was a hero during World War II, but he also found himself in trouble during his service. Particularly, he faced discipline for publicly associating with a black soldier in a segregated military. “I couldn’t get over the fact that they condemned us for just being friends, and especially while we served our country in wartime,” Bennet said later. The experience only strengthened his resolve and his support of civil rights, leading him to march with Dr. King in Selma after returning home.

Born Anthony Benedetto, the man who became known as Tony Bennett was certainly an incredible individual. Of course, he deserves recognition as this month’s Hero Highlight. Read more about Bennett and his time as a WW2 hero here.

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