Rod Serling

Read Rod Serling’s Newly Published Story About WWII Experience

Rod Serling captivated audiences decades ago with his TV show The Twilight Zone. He was also a war veteran whose experiences influenced his work.

Of course, we remember him for all of his great contributions of the past, but wouldn’t expect to see a newly published story from the creator who died in 1975.

That sounds like something from the Twilight Zone itself, but in actuality, it’s more a case of one of his earliest writings getting lost among his impressive library of work.

The story is roughly 11,000 words long and shares the very real stories of the men he served with and how they died. It’s an important unflinching look at war, and something everyone should read.

Fortunately, this short story titled “First Squad, First Platoon,” has recently been published in The Strand. Read more about Rod Serling’s latest publication as well as the brutal experiences of war that inspired it here.

We believe that it’s time to do more for those who did the most for us during WWII and Korea. Members of the greatest generation should not suffer in retirement. That is why we support a bill we call  The Elder Relief Act. This legislation would give back to those who gave the most. Learn more here.



