Normandy beach

Young WW II History Buff Visits Normandy With 98-Year-Old Vet

World War II history cemetery in Normandy
Via Pixabay

Adam MacMillan is a student at West Chester University in Pennsylvania and quite the World War Two history buff. In fact, he has collected enough pieces of military history to create a museum in his basement.

It began when he learned that his three great-uncles had served in the war. Since then, he has collected every bit of memorabilia and knowledge he can about this important time in our history

His collection grew with every WW II veteran he met who contributed items they had carried on the battlefield. The greatest gift he has received, however, was the opportunity to visit Normandy with a living legend.

Thanks to the Best Defense Foundation, Adam had the chance to visit the World War II cemetery with 98-year-old D-Day veteran Bob Gibson. It was certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Read the full story here.

We believe in giving back to those who gave the most during WW II and Korea. That is why we are encouraging Congress to pass a bill we call The Elder Relief Act. This legislation would give back to those who gave the most. Make sure to follow us for the latest updates.



