Social Security boost

American Retirees Need a Social Security Boost

Social Security boost
Via Pixabay

Retirees form the backbone of our society, having dedicated their lives to work and service. Yet, as they enter their golden years, many face significant financial challenges. A Social Security boost could turn things around.

For countless retirees, Social Security serves as a lifeline, providing essential income to cover basic needs such as housing, healthcare, and groceries. However, the current benefits often fall short of meeting the rising costs of living, leaving many retirees struggling to make ends meet.

An increase in Social Security benefits is not just about financial security; it’s about dignity and respect for our elders. These individuals have contributed to society throughout their lives, and they deserve to retire with peace of mind and financial stability.

Additionally, some experts suggest that Social Security increases and expansions would stimulate the economy by injecting more money into local communities, benefiting businesses and fostering economic growth. Social Security reform really is a no-brainer.

Ultimately, benefits have been too low for far too long, COLA increases do not keep up with the rate of inflation, and retirees need more. By advocating for a Social Security increase, we’re committing to older Americans who have spent a lifetime working and deserve fairness in retirement.

This is why we support a bill we call the Elder relief Act. This proposed legislation would be a game changer for many American retirees. If passed, the Elder Relief Act would give those aged 82 and up an increase of $85 per month and a guaranteed 4 percent increase every year after.

If you feel like we do, contact your representative in Congress today and tell them that it’s time to pass the Elder Relief Act.

Be sure to check back with 82 & up for more information on the Elder Relief Act and keep up with with all our latest updates on the stories that matter to older Americans.


