American Veteran

Hero Highlight: Korean War Vet Leonard Martin

American Veteran
Via Pixabay

This month, our Hero Highlight shines a light on Korean War veteran Leonard Martin. As a teenager, Martin left the comforts of home for the brutality of war. His story is incredible and that of a true hero.

It may be known as “The Forgotten War,” but for men like Leonard, it is a time they will always remember. The Korean War was an important point in our history, and it is important to listen to the stories of vets like Leonard.

He was only 17 when he began his military service. Two weeks after turning 18, his unit was activated. Seven weeks later, he was on a ship headed overseas. The Korean conflict spread quickly and men like Martin were pulled from their normal lives to enter the conflict.

Martin commented that many of his friends back home didn’t even know where he had gone for a year and a half. “People don’t think about it. They don’t talk about it. A lot of people don’t even know what it was,” the veteran said.

This explains why it is referred to as the Forgotten War. For Martin, service came so quickly. He was shipped to Korea before he even finished boot camp. It’s hard to understand that young Americans like him were off fighting in Korea before many in their hometown even knew they were gone. Read more and hear his story in his own words here.

We greatly appreciate those who gave so much during the Korean War and WWII. This is why we urge Congress to pass a bill we call The Elder Relief Act. Stick around for the latest updates on this legislation and more.


