Social Security boost

A Boost in Social Security Retirement Benefits Just Makes Sense

Retirees are the foundation of our society, having spent their lives working and contributing to the community. As they transition into their retirement years, many find themselves facing serious financial difficulties. A boost in Social Security benefits could make a world of difference for them.

For countless retirees, Social Security is a crucial source of income, helping them cover essential expenses like housing, healthcare, and groceries. Unfortunately, current benefits often fail to keep pace with the rising cost of living, leaving many retirees struggling to get by.

Increasing Social Security benefits isn’t just about financial support—it’s about honoring our elders with the dignity and respect they deserve. After a lifetime of hard work, they should be able to enjoy their retirement with peace of mind and financial security.

Moreover, many experts believe that expanding Social Security benefits could also stimulate the economy. By putting more money into the hands of retirees, who are likely to spend it in their local communities, businesses could see a boost, and economic growth could follow. Social Security reform, therefore, isn’t just compassionate—it’s also smart economics.

For far too long, benefits have remained insufficient, and Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) haven’t kept up with inflation. Retirees deserve better. By advocating for an increase in Social Security, we are standing up for older Americans who have spent their lives working and deserve a fair and secure retirement.

That’s why we support the Elder Relief Act, a proposed bill that could be a game changer for American retirees. If passed, this legislation would provide an additional $85 per month to those aged 82 and older, with a guaranteed 4 percent increase every year thereafter.

If you share our belief in this cause, we urge you to contact your congressional representative and tell them it’s time to pass the Elder Relief Act.


